ddos attack map website world


Posting on Trente is a hobby for me. The following websites gave me insight how to increase performance, improve security or adjust code for better SEO results. Just enter your website URL and check the results, all for free. I’d like to share them with you, feel free to share. This list will be expanded during time.

Test Performance of your website

Use these website to test and improve the performance of your website:

Google PageSpeed Insights:  tips and tricks for a faster loading time. Just enter your website URL.
Mobile Friendly Test: Is your website Mobile friendly? Enter your website URL.
Pingdom Website Speed Test: This website gives you a nice visual overview of your website loading time.

Search Engine Optimization

Looking for more traffic to your website? Use these links to improve your SEO.

Nibbler: Enter your website URL for a SEO scan

Check your website for Malware

Test your website for Malware, exploits and hidden content. Enter your URL for a scan.

Securi Sitecheck: Check your website malware and hidden content
Unmask Parasite: Check your website for malware, exploits and hidden content

DDOS attacks on a Map

Current (DDOS) attacks on a map, Origin and Destination per country.

IP Viking: Visualization of current (DDOS) attacks, plotted on a map.
Digital Attack Map: Another visualisation of DDOS attacks on a map.

WordPress? Must have plugins

As a WordPress user I found these free plugins very valuable to increase the security of my website / blog.  Protect yourself against unwanted logins and look for malware in your wordpress installation.

WordFence: Security against unwanted logins
Anti-Malware: Scan and locate your WordPress installation for Malware

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