Tag : jetsurf

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Jetsurf, a 100cc powered surfboard

Jetsurf, a 100cc powered surfboard.

How cool is this? These engine powered surfboards from Jetsurf called Prorace, Ultra Sport or Factory will move you over the water like a boss. Prices will range from $19,500 for the to $12,500.

Specifications JetSurf

Two-stroke engine, specially developed for Jetsurf.
Displacement 86 cc – 100 cc
Max speed 53 km/h (type Ultra Sport); 57 km/h (type Pro Race)
Electronic controller The Jetsurf is equipped with an automatic electronic control unit with auto start/stop function.
Battery Li-FePO4*
Gasoline consumption max 2 liters / hour
Gasoline gasoline + oil mix; ratio 1:30

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