Tag : eyejuster

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Adspecs: Eyes For The World

Self-correcting glasses for children.

Adspecs can change Diotric from -6 to +6Yesterday I visited the great city Antwerp, Belgium. In one of the shops, there was a stand of Eyes For The World, an organisation that believes everybody has the right to see well. They developed glasses where the lenses are filled with Dow Corning optical fluid. The dioptric correction can be adapted by filling or extracting the membrane (the actual glasses) with silicone. If optical fluid is added you get a more positive lens, extracting will give you a more negative lens. This fluid is added or extracted by little ‘pumps’ at the side of the glasses. This technique has been invented by Pr. Jushua Silver.

The Numbers

Adspecs can change dioptric correction
The challenge for ‘Eyes for the World’ is helping these people in all corners of the world with self-adjustable glasses.
• 60 million young people do not have access to vision correction
• 100 million adults are victims of short-sightedness or myopia
• Price: One pair of Adspecs glasses costs €20

Source: Eyes for the World

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