Category : Energy

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GravityLight: From Gravity To Light

From Gravity To Light Providing clean energy Because a lot of poor people don’t have access to electricity (and thus light) lot’s of them still use kerosene lamps to light their home. The team from made this innovative solution for this problem. It not only provides light, but also gets rid of the unhealthy

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Video: Stella Lux solar powered family car with 1000 km radius

Stella Lux: A solar powered family car. Last week I visited the presentation of the new solar powered family car called Stella Lux from Solar Team Eindhoven. Solar Team Eindhoven is a multidisciplinary team which consists of 21 students from Eindhoven University of Technology. For eighteen months they put their hearts and souls into the team and into a better

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Crowdfunding: Solar panels for Sumba (Indonesia)

Crowdfunding for Sumba, Indonesia. This Dutch guy started a crowdfunding campaign to gain awareness and raise money for a project called Expeditie Sumba (Expedition Sumba) in cooperation with Hivos. The goal is to supply a elementary school with solar panels since big parts of this island don’t have access to electricity. This is all part

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Vortex Bladeless: A wind-turbine without blades

How to generate energy with a bladeless windturbine. The team from Vortex Bladeless are developing a windturbine without any blades. But can such a system generate energy? When wind blows over cilinder it can generate a repeating pattern of swirling vortices caused by the unsteady separation of flow of a fluid around this body. This

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This W-House is made from Cardboard

Your cardboard home, office or workspace The W-House , short for Wikkelhuis in Dutch, is made by rolling virgin fiber cardboard around a mold and glueing layers together. This results in a strong and isolating structure, integrating insulation and construction. Finally an aluminium layer is applied to give a segment a waterproof sealing. Finally these

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The l’Arbre à Vent, Wind Tree generator

An electricity generating tree. The French company NewWind R&D released their prototype about their idea of ‘green’ energy. It’s called l’Arbre à vent and is a 11 meter high tree filled with 72 Aeroleaf’s, small leaf shaped turbines. Compared to conventional turbines the Wind Tree claims to be silent and capable of delivering 3kW with

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Kinegrity: Directing solar panels increases efficiency 50%

Directing solar panels: increased efficiency up to 50%. Kinegrity has been developed at the Technical University Eindhoven. It represents a design solution for the integration of dual axis sun trackers to lightweight roof structures. This innovative design makes it possible to direct solar panels. Through manipulation of certain cable lengths it is possible to hinge

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